Scientists Explain How Intuition May Be The Highest Form of Intelligence


  • The Facts:

    Science is beginning to recognize the reality of intuition, where it comes from and how natural it is within all of us.

  • Reflect On:

    Is intelligence only about what is built within the mind? Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? What is there outside of material reality? What can we learn from the rise of post-material science?

This article was inspired by one published in Forbes with the same title. Who would have ever expected to see Forbes, a finance publication, post something about intuition? This is a surefire sign that times really are changing.

So, if you’re thinking, intuition has nothing to do with intelligence, then you’re not alone. Because intuition is so difficult to measure and observe. The dictionary definition of intuition is as follows:

“1. the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

Intuition is our first instinct; it’s what we feel right away before the mind has time to come in and consciously analyze. Often times we hear of people who are near death, and everything becomes clear and they just instinctively know exactly what needs to be done to get themselves out of the situation; there is no time to hum and haw and weigh options, and intuition takes over, if we let it. 

Where Does Intuition Come From?

You know when you get that “gut feeling” that maybe something isn’t right? That is your intuition, and while we feel it in our gut or stomach area, many people often argue it comes from the heart. I recently watched an incredible documentary called The Power Of The Heart that explained how this feeling is actually coming from the heart, and the heart is always the first to react to any given situation. The heart intuitively knows what’s up.